Period | The Gentle Men.
1. Inform: To inform men about the Less Productivity
and Absenteeism is caused by symptoms of the
menstrual cycle.
2. Persuade: To persuade men to realize that periods
cramps and other symptoms are a real thing. Moving
beyond the Myth with facts (from who are experiencing it).
My role: Graphic Designer
Timeline: 10 Weeks

It is probably no surprise to any woman that period pain is a serious issue. Cramps that make you double over in pain, clench your jaw, grip your teeth and curl up on the couch are a matter of fact for a lot of women like us.
Oh, and not to forget heavy bleeding, fatigue, and mood swings. Aren’t periods just the best? Just like other issues in the health world, Dysmenorrhea also has remedies but isn’t completely inevitable.
The demographics selected is 21-27 years old, both men and women. Women are giving us their share of experience, and men are giving their share of opinions.
This is an opportunity to clear all the queries that men have, which are unheard and not responded. Giving men is the chance to realize that period cramps are a real thing. Moving beyond the myth with facts from women who have experienced it.
Even though there are questions from all age groups, this particular age group is probably the age bracket where men start interacting with female partners in a professional (offices) or personal (home) environment.

1. Period
Persuade: To persuade men to realize that periods cramps and other symptoms are a real thing. Moving beyond the myth with facts (from who are experiencing it).
2. The Gentle Men
Inform: To inform men about the Less Productivity and Absenteeism is caused by symptoms of the menstrual cycle.
PERIOD - Persuade Design.
Period is a beer packaging for men from women. This name is conveying put an end to the various common judgments passed by men. The name also suggests a period as a phase or time of the month.
The overall idea of the package is to persuade men by telling them to beer and deal with the situation as it is without commenting or judging women.
It is a 6 pack beer can of persuasion for men to be more acceptable. Each element was designed keeping in mind the actuals in a beer can.
THE GENTLE MEN - Inform Design.
This information design is mainly to show the men real-time facts about the less productivity during the menstrual cycle of women.
Sanity product/shaving item that is purchased on a recurring basis. In this ideation, the information is printed on the tube along with the box that comes with it. The information will show absenteeism and less productivity.
The information given on these will have a recurring effect on the men’s minds as they shop for shaving creams more often on a regular basis.
Shaving cream also is a sign of manliness and boosts their ego.
The packaging of this has a declining pattern denoted with the converted triangles. The decline in productivity and absenteeism with various symptoms during the menses.
The name "THE GENTLE MEN" portrays “the gentle feature” that is expected out of men during these days.